Florence Feasts S. John Baptist

24 june, Florence Feasts S. John Baptist

Florence feasts S John the Baptist its patron saint through  religious and historical celebrations. The day starts at 8,30 a.m. with the liturgical procession during which new candles are brought from the Palagio di Parte Guelfa to the Baptistery, the romanic building dedicated to S. John symbol of the new life a man receives becoming Christian. The old religious celebration is represented by Giovanni Stradano in Palazzo Vecchio (the room dedicated to Gualdrada): here it is clearly visible that procession started in Piazza della Signoria.
The last match of the traditional football game will be held In the afternoon at 5.00 p.m. in Piazza S Croce: White against Red that is S Spirito against S. Maria Novella. At night wonderful fireworks to complete the festivities! In origins the guild of textile merchants (Calimala) organized the day to celebrate S. John. it was replaced  from 1796 by the society of S John the Baptist. In the "Treasure room" of  the Opera del Duomo museum the liturgical decoration of the Baptistery is preserved: the silver altar created by Andrea del Verrocchio and his pupils in 100 years decorated with the Stories of S John the Baptist the man who announced the arrival of Christ. On the altar there was a silver cross cast by Antonio del Pollaiolo and the embroidered drapery  weaved between 1466 and 1488 decorated the walls of the Baptistery and the clothing of priests during the Mass. It  represents the development weaving had in Italy in the XV century: silk and golden string! It is very precious!

Piazza della Signoria with the old pavement in terracotta
silver altar with the cross cast by Andrea del  Verrocchio
Antonio del Pollaiolo (Opera del Duomo museum)
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